The title of this blog comes from Vladimir Nabokov's novel "Ada": 'and reality withdrew the quotes it wore like claws'.
I think it's one of Nabokov's best lines, in the E.E. Cummings sort of sense, in that it takes an entire career to write one true thing, one beautiful thing. Obviously I am not saying that this alone is the pinnacle of the great lepidopterist's work, but it's still passingly lovely.
So I think this blog shouldn't have a theme. Mcfall, I just think that we're so varied that to give us only one subject is kind of sad. So I say there is no theme, we are themeless. Resign yourself to themelessness. And like it.
But if I were to suggest a beginning, I say we review some books and shit. I call dibs on "the crimson petal and the white" by Faber and that one I'm reading about alchemy in Harry Potter. I suggest that at some point we review a piece of the other's work and hide it amongst other works.
Also, I think we should have challenges. Just to keep it interesting. Mostly 'cause I don't want this to fall as flat as The World Citizen Project (we should still do that, I think. Just saying, it's pretty boss.) did.
Aber die Liebe scheidet alle Dinge vom der Seele.
-Meister Eckhart
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