Call me old fashioned but i don't think i have to make anyone understand me to be considered intelligent. To be entirely honest it upsets me to be judged based on another person's flawed understanding of my communication rather than on what I actually say/understand. If that were the case, if intelligence were measured in ratio to how well others understood what you said, then Stephen Hawking would be judged a freaking moron.
Which he is not.
Intelligence has NOTHING to do with the ability to communicate the contents of your mind. Intelligence has everything to do with your ability to understand, to critically think, and to extrapolate.
And not everyone can take the EUREKA moment from thought to words immediately. For example, me. I like to think that I am pretty good at this whole communication thing, and I've been told I'm fairly bright. But trying to communicate why I believe something doesn't come immediately. I need a moment to find the right word, and the correct way to phrase the idea. I rarely reach a conclusion through a logical progression, like painting a picture one piece at a time, but instead see it as a whole. Some people are Hegel and others are Kierkegaard, and I am a Kierkegaard.
By this I mean: some people are just naturally more logical, they think in "if a, then b" and I don't. I think in parallels and webs, everything connected in some fashion or form. I tremble before G-D because He is unknowable, my belief and respect a matter of faith and not logic. Does this somehow make it less, my understanding, that I cannot immediately tell you 'why'?
The answer is 'no'.
Of course, you don't KNOW that I understand it. So you can think I'm dumb if you like, but if I were you I'd be careful about leaping to that sort of conclusion.
Language conveys communication.