Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mcfall, we need to talk.

So I was thinking, earlier, that the only good thing about blogging and the like is to be able to fully explore an idea before you are interrupted. You won't lose a train of thought in order to answer someone's tangential statement or question. And if someone misquotes your argument because they stopped listening in order to form their reply: you've got it in writing and can send them the link.

We rarely argue, in fact all of our falling-outs seem to just send us flying in opposite directions instead of arguing. But for the sake of an experiment: let's have one. On the blog.

Not like an angry argument, but like a friendly debate.

So we now have to find something we disagree on and write blog/arguments back and forth on it.

Here's your mission: think of a list of things in the name of which we can take up honestly dissimilar stances. Anyone who chooses to may also suggest subjects.

After thinking about it:

  • Catholic Homosexuality- cross to bear within the confines of dogma, or a kind of union that should be included within the Church?
  • Freud: The man with the plan, or the man with a hand down his pants?
  • Those Horrible Phelps Nuts: necessary evil or me and Leviticus say burn 'em

I love clever titles. It's one of the few reasons I like fall out boy and Panic!



  1. This is awesome, guys. Having been stomped into the ground many times by Jess's mad skillzors, this should be good.

  2. lol, thank you, Iggu. I do let you win sometimes.

    Or just flake out on the conversation in typical jess-fashion.

    (Operative Syllable Here: JERK)

    Catholic Homosexuality
    "cross to bear within the confines of dogma"
    Maybe, for some.

    "or a kind of union that should be included within the Church?"

    "The man with the plan, or the man with a hand down his pants?"

    Those Horrible Phelps Nuts
    "necessary evil or me and Leviticus say burn 'em?"
    *sigh* What ever happened to religious crazies and their sacramental cyanide? KOOL-AID, Phelps & Co.? Anyone? How about some FLAVOR AID "Fruit of DiVine".....?

  4. While I adore your one-liners, platonic life-mate mine, this was not the point.

    Indeed, it's far more... edgy... *snigger*
