Tuesday, August 10, 2010

lupus est homo homini

Mcfall, do you remember when Jonathan and I had the huge argument in Middle Eastern Studies about this and he told me I wasn't a Jew for saying that everybody was to blame for the mayhem.
I'm just going to leave the Jew thing alone for the moment, that's an entirely different subject.

The problem is that everyone is screaming at once, no one listening because they believe that they can have exactly what they want. But they're wrong. No one is going to happy about any way that the conflict can end. Israel fought too hard to give up their land, and they shouldn't have to, Palestinians want what they feel like hundreds of years of sweat and blood and house building has made THEIR land back.

"The reason I hate talking about Israel and Palestine is that people get so emotional that the quality of discourse is awful"

The thing is that the people who are making sense, the moderates and non-crazies, these people AREN'T TALKING, by that I mean WE aren't talking. We watch West Wing episodes and get upset, we read 'a concise history of the Middle East' with Dr Foley and get into arguments in classrooms, but then we go to starbucks and leave the dying and the screaming the blood and flying glass of Gaza behind. We stop talking.

What we should be doing is screaming louder for peace than the crazies do for war. And it's wouldn't be hard. There are more of us.